The Next Chapter in Teaching&Learning

  Heeello again from ELT Days... It has been so long since I have posted but as you know it has been such a challenging year for all of us. I hope you are healthy and happy :)) Today, I am here to give you some awesome news.

 I have recently joined an online training project named "21st Century Skills" conducted by the researcher Melda Yılmaz. The participants for this project was chosen among seniors of our department. We have been informed about this project by our teacher, Dilek İnal, and she also attends the weekly meetings.We are expected to attend Zoom meetings and comment on the discussed topics. Last Friday, we had our very first meeting  and I will be sharing my experiences, comments and newly learnt items on a weekly basis with you guys. 

At our first meeting, after welcoming session, we started by brainstorming about 'Critical Thinking Skills' what does it mean? Who is a weak/strong critical thinker? ? We have been introduced these concepts and the researcher teacher divided us into groups of 4 in private rooms, enabled by Zoom. I have heard about these private rooms from my friends but I have not experience myself although I have been using Zoom for quite some time now. Therefor it was really interesting to discover new features of this app.

In these private groups we have discussed about the concept 'critical thinker' and decided on who is strong/weak critical thinker and what are their characteristics. After returning to the meeting itself, each group shared their views. Afterwards, we moved to other topic of the day 'English as a Global Language', which we were assigned to watch a video of David Crystal, who is a successful linguist, talking about the journey of English becoming a global language. He has so many interesting comments on this topic, if you would like to learn from him, I will leave a link below, you should definitely check it out! And we tried to find answers to these questions, What is lingua-franca? and How did English become a global language? Could another language be the global language?. We commented on these questions. 

Our researcher teacher made a quick check up on what we have learnt in this session. She had used Polleverywhere. We had fun while testing our knowledge. It is a really convenient tool to use in your classes, especially when most of us getting education online. 

This will be all for today. I will be posting weekly about my journey on this project. 

See you next week, take good care of yourselves :)))

David Crystal's video :


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