Compilation of the 21st Century Skills Training

 Hello again dear Elt Days readers. My final exams are over and I'm happy to have the time to read books and watch movies. I have been reading 'Böyle Söyledi Zerdüşt' for some time and I have finally finished it today. I'm planning to read 1984 by George Orwell next. What are you reading lately? I hope you spare time for reading :) 

 Today, I will tell you about the last meeting of our 21st Century Skills Training. After we had completed our websites, we met in a Zoom meeting with the rest of the participants, Melda Teacher and Dilek Teacher. I was so excited to present our website to my friends and teachers. Our group, Chamber of Mercury, started the presentation and I was both happy and proud to see that everyone loved our work. Hard work really pays off... Especially, the comments from Dilek Teacher means a lot to me because I admire her knowledge. 

 The other groups have also presented their websites, and all of them are perfect in their areas of interest. I felt so proud to see that each one of us will become excellent teachers one day. I will leave the links to their websites, please go and check their hard work. 

 This training means a lot to me because I usually don't attend school projects but I wanted to try this one and I'm glad to do so. I have learned so many different things. The timing for this project also was perfect because I get to see my friends in a classroom setting again and chat with them. Thanks to Covid(!) we couldn't talk like we used to with my classmates. 

It was a remarkable experience and it was all thanks to Melda Teacher, who made all of this happen. 

I look forward to having another meeting in a physical setting this time :)

This was all for today. See you next time. Till then take care :*

Links to other websites: 

Newvisionelt                                                                 Syncinedu



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