
Mayıs, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Travel and Share Moments

Good night, dear followers :)) When was the last time you visited a new place that you have never seen before? Do you like keeping journal while traveling?  Some may prefer writing their moments on paper while travelling. Some may prefer the opposite, writing things online. If you are more like the second type, I have an excellent app for you. It is called "Journi" This app allows you to share all the thoughts, pictures and videos from your journey.  In educational context, students don't have to travel to new places. They may follow the travelers from different countries and share their thoughts with the rest of the class, then they may chose the best place to visit by voting.  I am leaving the  link  to the app so that you can explore the app more thoroughly.  Sincerely......

Magical Gate

  Hey everyone :))    I am sure that you have seen a figure like the one above. It is called QR(Quick Respond) code.  It has been used for many different purposes like for marketing, entertainment or even education. For educational purposes, you may use Qr code to have your students share the link to their personal sites with their friends.  This way, your students will spend more time on their tasks to show the others using Qr code. They should be encouraged to use this because it will be used everywhere in no time.  I have created a Qr code. If you scan the code above, you will be directed o a page.  Scan and see what it is.... 

Create, Edit and ,Share Mind Maps Online

Helloo everyone, Have you ever tried studying a topic by drawing a mind map? When I was a high school, I used to have a hardship in geography lessons. I had used mind maps to associate the terms with the previously learned items. It helped me a lot. I used to draw i on paper but today I will write about an app that allows you to draw mind maps  online. It is "Mindmeister" MindMeister allows you to be more innovative by providing a shared collaboration and brainstorming environment on the web with your classmates and your teacher . You can plan projects, design an assignment or prepare presentations. I have also created a mind map using Mindmeister. You can take a look from here . Sincerely.....

The Easiest Way of Telling A Story

Good Evening everyone :)) Sutori is a free digital learning tool for the classroom. It enables teachers and students to create interactive stories through a simple and intuitive interface. This storytelling and presentation tool can be used in every content area and for every grade level. Sutori can be used by both teachers and students to teach a topic. Teacher can encourage students to use this app in class as well as at home. Sutori enables you to see everything about the topic entirely in a line. I have also planned a lesson. You can take a look here

A Lot Of Information in One Picture

Hi everyone :))  This afternoon I have tried "Thinglink". It enables you to create interactive infographics, maps, drawings in one place. You can give information about something using a picture or a video, adding links on images.  In classes, teacher may show some examples of this app and teach the topic on these interactive features.  I found this app useful because it is interesting and it captures students' attentions. Students will be eager to participate in class exercises.  The sample that I have created is  here . You can take a look.  My best regards....

1,2,3, Graduated!

Good morning everyone:)) Today I am going to show you the easiest way of graduating. It is called"Coursera" Coursera is an online learning platform. You can attend whichever topic you are interested in and take lessons without actually going to classes! The best part of it is that you can take lessons from the most popular universities, like Yale, Cambridge, Oxford, etc.You can stay home and learn a lot of new information. Also, if you complete your course successfully, Coursera provides a certificate for you. In school, teachers should encourage students to enroll courses and make it a culture. I have also been taking a course called Mind shift for 4 weeks and finally I have completed my course successfully. Here is my certificate       If you don't like Coursera, there are plenty of online courses. I am living some of them below. Udemy Udacity  edX I hope you enjoy them.  See you....

Creating and Sharing Comics!

Pixton is a cartoon creation tool that allows its users to create awesome comics. Pixton has also a growing community that anyone can access to contribute with their own comics. This tool is very easy to use and does not require any artistic skills to work on it. You can introduce it to your students and let them create their own comics and share them with each other. Besides the free individual accounts, Pixton offers a service designed specifically for schools called 'Pixton for schools'   which is not free. This service enables teachers to create private rooms for their students in which they can collaboratively create and share their comics. I liked Pixton because it can be used to improve students' creativity by creating new avatars, stories and authentic  situations. In a class that the teacher created, students can update their avatars and stories and evaluation by teacher  will be much more easier. I also tried Pixton and you can see it by clicking  he

Try Using Voki in Your Classes

How is your day going friends ? You will be reading about the app called Voki. It is an Education Technology  tool for the evolving 21st century classroom. Using Voki, teachers, educators and students can create amazing speaking characters using the power of their own spoken voice. Choose from hundreds of purchasable cartoons, animals, historical figures and world leaders just to name a few. Students can use to introduce themselves if the class consists new students. Also a teacher can use this to introduce herself or himself. With this getting-to-know activity, students may approach the teacher with a good attitude and this makes students more attractive to the lesson. I have also created a character that introduces me. If you want, take a look at  this

New Generation's Learning Platform

Hi, dear Eltdays followers ;) How are you all? I have been busy with my assignments and exams. For today's post, I will be writing about Gamification. It is applying game principles to non-game situations. For quite some time, it has been believed that games are harmful and some types of games, especially war games, are thought to make people more violent. But it is not the case all the time. The level of aggressiveness of a person or a person's tendency to fight in a situation has some thing to the with the person's own psychological state of mind.  We discussed this situation in our IT&MD course with Mr.Can and he stated that only 2%  people out of 100 who play war games are tend to fight in a situation.  You may ask what good is gamification for students. As being 21st  century , students are so into internet, games and socializing. When they are that interested in these features why don't we use it to teach the target topics. These futures increase the

Get Rid of Quizzes on Paper and Start Using Quizlet

Welcome back :) Tonight, I would like to write about another useful app that you can use for different purposes. Quizlet is basically what we know as flashcards. So, like how we use flashcards, one side of the card shows the question or word and you try to guess the answer. You can use this in classes to get students attentions or you can make it as a warm-up activity. Students may be assigned to prepare Quizlet  online and after preparing they can bring it to the class and play with other students.. This way maybe students will not get bored with homework but enjoy it. I enjoyed using this app and I am sure you will also like it.... I created a Quizlet for you. You can take a look from  here

Designing Cool Cards

How are you dear followers ? Today's app-to-be introduced is Canva. Canva is  a versatile graphic design app that is a logo maker and poster maker, video editor. Most of the people use it to design Instagram posts, Facebook updates, and even for invitations.  But I will write about how to use it for educational purposes. Both teachers and students can create an account and design their cards which they think it describes them the best. They can share it with others. This may be done within the new groups to get to know each other. Or maybe every lesson one student will be assigned to bring a quote created using Canva and share it with the rest of the class and may explain why s/he choose it.  And this is my quote for you...

Brand New Storyteller

HELLOO :)) The journey of getting to know about how to use technology for educational purposes continues with Storybird. I have heard about this app from Mr.Can and I found it quiet entertaining for everyone from different ages. The app enables the creator to use different themes with different genres. You can create a comic or a fiction or like me a poetry.  I completed the poetry in a very short time which makes the app more appealing. For some learners, reading something from books may be boring, with this app they wouldn't be bored while looking at the pictures and trying to associate it with the flow of the story. It is an amazing app you should certainly consider using. Like I said above, I have also created a poetry. You can take a look  here

Fun Way of Evaluation

Today , as the picture above suggests, I am going to write about the app called Kahoot!. It is a wonderful app that I like very much. I met this app in my first year in ELT department. Our instructor would first talk about the topic to be covered that lesson and then we would log in her class and answer some questions that she prepared beforehand.  Kahoot! is an app that both the teacher and students enjoy because of its being easy to use. It also makes lessons entertaining. After the quiz is over via projection both teacher and students can see what are their mistakes, where they rank among their friends and which topics to study again. And of course I created a Kahoot quiz for you. You may take a look  here See you :)))